‘Diary of a Ministry Wife’

Some of what is in these illustrations are from my experience, but some are from other people (fellow wives and workers) and some are just plain made up. I classify this series as fiction, not my actual diary. That would be realllly boring!

I love bush churches, the people, the towns and how God is working, in often small but mighty ways. These people matter, just like all people everywhere matter. The work is often un-noticed and hidden but God sees it and it still matters. You have to be humble to work like that. It can be a real challenge to live and work in these communities, especially the more remote ones. It can be lonely, it’s definitely frustrating and it’s a bit of a slog.

But it’s also beautiful and wonderful, and funny sometimes. There are so many characters, people and animals, in these places. I hope to capture, at least a few, in amongst the other stuff I draw.

I hope that these illustrations encourage you and help you to keep going. Whoever you are and wherever you are. God is working, He is seeing you and your families. And your churches.

I would love to hear from you if you have ideas for future pictures in this series. I have lists and lists of ideas I’m working through, but your ideas might be even better. Send me an email or contact me through Instagram or Facebook.

I hope you love it, I’ve had so much fun making it.

Note, the horizontal illustrations are a bit small on here, but if you tap the illustration , that will make it larger and hopefully easier to read. Then you can scroll each illustration from left to right. Use the cross at the top right to close the window when you’ve finished.