‘Debra the Zebra’

‘Debra has hayfever’

‘Debra goes to the beach’

‘Debra goes shopping’

‘Debra runs a marathon’






‘When we thought Debra had gone to heaven’

‘Debra gets the Vax’

‘Debra has a bath’

‘Debra at the balloon shop’

‘Debra got fancy pants’

‘Debra recreates that scene from the Titanic’

‘Debra’s hair dos’


‘Debra discovers donuts’

‘Debra becomes a Mum’

‘Bath time with the babies’

‘Debra is Back’

‘Debra is tired’

Debra is an ongoing series, started just for fun.

The real Debra is a helium balloon that was given to a friend, who lived a long, happy life in her office. She has since deflated sadly. But she had a very long life for a balloon!

This balloon was so beloved that I decided to make a fun series out of it, with Debra having adventures and doing many of the things my friend was doing at the time. It’s gotten rather out of hand since then, with this Debra the Zebra taking on another life, falling in love and to her surprise becoming a Mum to seven inflatable babies the colours of the rainbow. Debra and her babies will continue having adventures, whenever I can dedicate some time to her. Keep checking back for the latest instalment.

Also, Debra features in one of the cards in the shop. She makes a good model for such things, though she is probably far too busy now being a single mother than to have time for such frivolities.